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Share Market Predictions

Yes, it's well known companies withold problems until they're forced to disclose to investors they are in trouble. This applied similarly to dishonest and corrupt investment managers.

Here at last is the key to insightful trading tips, a look at the road ahead of the present ticker board on the screens. To know what the trends are going to do, it is vital to understand, a registered Company precedes a listed one. The Parent or Founding Company activity holds the key to the market trend before it happens. The Investment Instruments ride the track, the Engine has already run on. Market events have already played out and carriages full of investors get to see second hand what the engineer has already experienced.

We map Company trends, the results of which follow on exchange boards. We connect subscription only members to their respective investment 'trains' and they get to see what the engineer sees, ahead of the rest. Smart Investment Management. Stop being influenced by market emotion and what fund managers claim. They went to the same school politicians did - trustworthy? Nada!

We calculate and suggest times when you should invest, hold or sell. This is the insiders edge many have been looking for.

This Stock Market Watch has easy to read Strength Bars; Yellow, not a lot happening - balanced scales. Green, a rising market - up arrow. Red, falling market - down arrow. Easy to follow and members get to see months ahead.

Futures, not Insider Trading but as close as you can get, but information available by subscription, members only. However, enjoy a free selection of NZX stock trends to peruse. CLICK ON A COMPANY NAME to see inside information of what is happening to a stock we have already calculated the trend for. Presently free to all for a limited time.

Company Index Symbol From To   Strength
Auckland International Airport Limited NZSE AIA --- ---
Air New Zealand Limited NZSE AIR --- ---
Allied Farmers NZSE ALF --- ---
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited NZSE ANZ --- ---
Contact Energy Limited NZSE CEN --- ---
Fletcher Building Limited NZSE FBU --- ---
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation Limited NZSE FPH --- ---
Freightways Limited NZSE FRE --- ---
Fonterra Co-Operative Group NZSE FSF --- ---
Genesis Energy NZSE GNE --- ---
Hallenstein Glasson Holdings Limited NZSE HLG --- ---
Infratil Limited NZSE IFT --- ---
Mainfreight Limited NZSE MFT --- ---
National Australia Bank ASX NAB --- ---
New Zealand Oil and Gas Limited NZSE NZO --- ---
New Zealand Exchange Limited NZSE NZX --- ---
Property For Industry Limited NZSE PFI --- ---
PGG Wrightson Limited NZSE PGW --- ---
Port of Tauranga Limited (NS) NZSE POT --- ---
Ryman Healthcare NZSE RYM --- ---