NUMEROLOGY: PETER VAUGHAN, THE BOOK May 25, 2011 10:39 am LIFE DID COME WITH AN INSTRUCTION MANUAL. IT'S IN THE "VAUGHAN LIBRARY" AND YOU CAN GET A PERSONAL COPY. BEING THE BOSS, I AM GIVING AWAY (YES FREE) AN E-BOOK THAT YOU CAN PRINT OFF AND KEEP. I am doing this because, across the web and on stage and in seminars, Motivators and Coaches repeat the following catch-phrase over and over; "wouldn't it be great if life came with an Instruction Manual" WELL, LIFE DOES COME WITH AN INSTRUCTION MANUAL. I am in the process of completing THE INSTRUCTION MANUALS, but aside these solid initial publications I have a gift for you... I have produced an eBook I want to give you, FREE! The following is a taste of what THE BOOK is like (without the pictures of me in it to keep you humored). However the eBook you'll get has pictures of me here and there 'to keep you entertained' for those like me who like picture books. NUMEROLOGY A quick start guide to understanding what Numerology is (and logically, what it isn't). CONTENTS: 1. Numerology 2. What is Numerology? (Origins) 3. How does it Work? 4. The Secret 5. Numbers of Success 6. Your Six Main Numbers 7. First Name 8. Full Name 9. The Vowels 10. The Day (from the Birth Date) 11. Your Total Birth Date 12. The sum of all the numbers 13. In Summary 14. Where to from here? 15. WARNING WHAT IS NUMEROLOGY? (Origins) About 2,600 years ago a man called Pythagoras developed a system using Mathematics that he used to make sense of matters of man and beast. However 600 years later Christianity outlawed its use. But loyal followers held close the secret and today, modern Numerology has become a Science to be reckoned with, allowing people to see the past present and future without fear of being barbequed by old Christian quacks. Today, a qualified Professional Numerologist is able to tell you about; a. Your Personality b. Your Character c. What Career best suits you d. Your Ideal Partner e. Faults you need to overcome f. Your Past, Present and Future. And they do this and more by only knowing your Name and Birth Date! Forget pre-conceived notions that this is like 'fortune telling' or you need special gifts to do this. I've been teaching Numerology and much more to all sorts of people over half my life without any problem, until I realised... I had learned more knowledge about Numerology than any book that has ever been written. If you read the following pages, be warned, you may become hooked as you will be able to Read the Future too. This is but one of the skills a professional Numerologist can do. Who knows, even you may wish to learn Numerology, perhaps become a trained Numerologist on my team. HOW DOES IT WORK? Put simply, it's all harmonics. Everything is affected by radiation, and sound is just another form of that. From the radio to the television to the microwave to the sun, everything produces and is affected by radiation in some form or other. Our most notably influential form is sound. Your name governs you throughout your life. The Mechanism that drives the events for each and every person, the sound that they are most familiar with is their name and it's created from the Alphabet. There are parts of your name or the essence of that sound you don't hear, you feel. It's all one big mosaic of energy. Questions you may have about problems you experience are answered on the following pages, and the instruction manual you did not get when you were born is available to you now, to help you understand your purpose and reason for your life... GET YOUR OWN COPY OF THE E-BOOK NOW Best regards, I hope to hear from you soon Peter Vaughan, Teacher of Numerologists; Public Speaker CONTACT PETER: NUMEROLOGY Profile Reports YOU-TUBE ME: and search for Peter Vaughan The Secret. WARNING - (((Master Numerologists))) Be aware of those who call themselves "Master Numerologists". If you feel the urge to spend your already overtaxed money on potential scammers, look for negative comments posted on sites by typing their name into a Google search engine; they're out there! Judge if the complainants are genuine or suspect. Try to contact the person you're potentially going to buy from and see if you get a real reply - Remember, Buyer Beware! Promoting oneself as a Master Numerologist is easy, proving it is another thing altogether. After a genuine 31 years of continual practice and learning Numerology, I am confident to stand in front of a crowd and "do their numbers live!..." NOW, to get your FREE copy of the eBook "Numerology, a Quick-Start Guide" simply go to the 'SITE' tab at the top of my page and click the "Contact Us" drop-tab and you'll be given an email tool to write your particulars into. Please make sure you write your email address in correctly as I know some people wait forever and then realise, "Oops, wrong email addy!!!" Pop your message in the Note Box saying; "Yes, Peter, I'd like to get a copy of your eBook" and you may like to make a comment. I enjoy getting your feedback. Warm Regards Peter Vaughan - Numerologist Trainer |
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