New Years Resolutions - Make Them Work This Time! Dec 24, 2024 12:07 pm They Don't Work! They Never Work... or is there a trick to it? Yes, call it a trick if you wish but it is a technique, not a trick. Watch the short Video and find out in the link here: Affirmations That Work!
![]() Misery loves company, the moment you start talking about the crap you had at work, the crap with the other 'person' in the house, the loser who hit your car and blamed it on you, the missing biscuits from the tin, Whatever it was, your listener is bursting to tell you their crap, right! You want more money from your boss, you want your partner to pay more attention to you rather than the tele or the bloody cell phone, the kids are getting in trouble at school, crap, crap and more crap, then your friend jumps in and puts the icing on the cake with their crap problems... Who cares about their crap, you want them to listen to you because your problems are more important, not their stupid dog, biting the kid delivering the flyers in the mail box, and you think, why was their gate open, why was the dog not on a leash, why have a dog in the first place, they never walk it? Crap, crap, crap! Change the scene, get out of the lunch room, go to the executives room where they are eating King Prawn starters, drinking top shelf and there's bottles of open sparkling for the women folk, and there's envelopes with bonuses on their dinner plates, a bit of a difference to the BBQ around the back of the building with the beers and pizza. How do you change things, get away from the crap in your life. There's gotta be a better way than the get-together on New Year's Eve, have a few (too many) drinks and make the same ole (waste of time) New Year Resolutions, right? That's the question. Perhaps you never took classes in making New Year Resolutions, perhaps you didn't know there were any, actually there aren't. But if there are ways of how to get to the upper platform in life, are you too set in your ways to bother changing because you love crap too much. Then this story will ring some bells: In America some years back a man walks into a local town 'convenience store' to buy some items. As he is walking the isles, he notices there is a dog laying on the floor near the counter, moaning and groaning. He looks at the dog, but continues to shop, and the dog keeps moaning and groaning still laying in the same spot. Finally the man has his items and takes them to the counter, asking the store man; "Whose is that dog laying over there that's moaning and groaning? The store man said, that's my dog. Why is he moaning and groaning all the time. Cause he's laying on a nail the store man replied. Why doesn't he get up and move, the man asked. The store man answered... Because it doesn't hurt enough yet!" Moral: Do you get it? Are you laying on a nail in your life and because it doesn't hurt enough yet, why bother getting up and doing something about it? Time to change your the crap in your life? You have the means to do it, now. You can contact me at or reply here at and ask how, I will give you the answer you have been wanting for a long time and it doesn't matter what you want to improve upon. You've everything to win. Peter Vaughan here, looking forward to your email.