Guy Fawkes moves to the USA this year on the 5th November. No fireworks, it'll be worse.    

Data Predicts the Future. What does Data say about Your Future?

Biden - Harris >>> Trump
Sep 15, 2024 12:20 am

Guy Fawkes moves to the USA this year on the 5th November. No fireworks, it'll be worse.    

I'm not telling you more than you already know, so, what do the numbers say according to the Vaughan Code?

The image was created long before Kennedy merged like a zip into Trumps campaign but the ratings I calculated had put Kennedy in first place and it is rather fascinating that I had seen Biden a gone-burger by his analysis, and he has gone.

Also interesting is how Kennedy had been assessed as a better contender even though he was an independent Democrat. But as he is now with Trump, the selection I had made is very aligned from 14 months ago.

Stranger still is the attempted assassination that almost took Trump out on the 13th July which would have made a tossed salad out of who would replace him at that time and Oh what a mess.


On the 5th November it shows Trump wins outright. This is not to say there won't be any further attempts on his life, on Kennedy's life, and or James Vance, Trump's running mate's health. And then there is the possibility a WW-III, a "Wag the Dog" created event which is not to be dismissed as a possibility. And of course, a clean and fair election, just like the last one (yeah right)!

And what about Kamala Harris?   Well, my calculation on her is really interesting.  She seems to be in good spirits on the day and almost like it's time to pop the corks on wine bottles and a hot milk for Joe. BUT, this seems to be only for a short period of time, Harris is heading for a shock in December and next year for her is most unpleasant, somewhat like Hillary Clinton was when she had the smile disappear from her face in 2016.

Oh well, that's not all, as most of the players on the world stage who are heavily involved in the politics of the Ukraine, Russia, England, Canada, France, Germany, Australia and even New Zealand's connections with all the heavy stuff going on, as all involved are showing signs of significant headaches all around.  Even Our Chris Luxon and Nicola Willis are having great difficulties presently (September).

Let's see how things run then.

Oh, if you're looking to see what's ahead for yourself, order your forecast for the next 12 months. A new website is about completed with a lot more activity and support for all those who'd like to see me do much more STUFF than before.

"" is coming to a screen near you. 

All the best,

Peter Vaughan

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