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In Brief
Biden - Harris >>> Trump

Guy Fawkes moves to the USA this year on the 5th November. No fireworks, it'll be worse.    


I'm not telling you more than you already know, so, what do the numbers say according to the Vaughan Code?

The image was created long before Kennedy merged like a zip into Trumps campaign b...

Sir Richard Branson - Prediction Comes to Pass

On the 3rd APRIL 2013, I wrote an article on the late CEO of New Zealand's newest aggressive telecommunications Company; Two Degrees Mobile.

In that article I recorded I had met Eric Hertz and his wife Kathy on the 24th NOVEMBER 2012 where I was invited to discuss his Company's future.

Based on three decades of breaking research, I said; "Eric, Kathy and his Company were all going to experience a Major Change in their life/existence between March and April 2013."

Eric piloted a plane that crashed into the ocean with his wife on the 30th March 2013. The Company changed directors and CEO.


Here are excerpts of that story and it can be seen in my archives by typing Richard Branson in the search engine tab above. If you're interested, look into the 7 year old story I wrote about Steve ...

2024, The Year of KARMA

In China, this is a No. 8 Year

Good tidings for some, bad Karma for many.


What does the Book of Your Life say for you this year ?

Everyone has a book about their life, we've been carrying it around buried deep inside our heads since before we were born and then...

Lighter Side
New Years Resolutions - Make Them Work This Time!

They Don't Work! They Never Work... or is there a trick to it?

Yes, call it a trick if you wish but it is a technique, not a trick.

Watch the short Video and find out in the link here: Affirmations That Work!



Misery loves company, the moment you start talking about the crap you had at work, the crap with the other 'person' in the house, the loser who hit your car and blamed it on you, the missing biscui...

New Years Resolutions - Make Them Work This Time!
Dec 24., 2024 12:07 pm

They Don't Work! They Never Work... or is there a trick to it?

Yes, call it a trick if you wish but it is a technique, not a trick.

Watch the short Video and find out in the link here: Affirmations That Work!


Misery loves company, the moment you start talking about the crap you had at work, the crap with the other 'person' in the house, the loser who hit your car and blamed it on you, the missing biscuits from the tin, Whatever it was, your listener is bursting to tell you their crap, right!

You want more money from your boss, you want your partner to pay more attention to you rather than the tele or the bloody cell phone, the kids are getting in trouble at school, crap, crap and more crap, then your friend jumps in and puts the icing on the cake with their crap problems...

Who cares about their crap, you want them to listen to you because your problems are more important, not their stupid dog, biting the kid delivering the flyers in the mail box, and you think, why was their gate open, why was the dog not on a leash, why have a dog in the first place, they never walk it? Crap, crap, crap!

Change the scene, get out of the lunch room, go to the executives room where they are eating King Prawn starters, drinking top shelf and there's bottles of open sparkling for the women folk, and there's envelopes with bonuses on their dinner plates, a bit of a difference to the BBQ around the back of the building with the beers and pizza.

How do you change things, get away from the crap in your life. There's gotta be a better way than the get-together on New Year's Eve, have a few (too many) drinks and make the same ole (waste of time) New Year Resolutions, right? That's the question.

Perhaps you never took classes in making New Year Resolutions, perhaps you didn't know there were any, actually there aren't. But if there are ways of how to get to the upper platform in life, are you too set in your ways to bother changing because you love crap too much. Then this story will ring some bells:

In America some years back a man walks into a local town 'convenience store' to buy some items. As he is walking the isles, he notices there is a dog laying on the floor near the counter, moaning and groaning. He looks at the dog, but continues to shop, and the dog keeps moaning and groaning still laying in the same spot.

Finally the man has his items and takes them to the counter, asking the store man; "Whose is that dog laying over there that's moaning and groaning? The store man said, that's my dog. Why is he moaning and groaning all the time. Cause he's laying on a nail the store man replied. Why doesn't he get up and move, the man asked. The store man answered... Because it doesn't hurt enough yet!"

Moral: Do you get it? Are you laying on a nail in your life and because it doesn't hurt enough yet, why bother getting up and doing something about it? Time to change your the crap in your life? You have the means to do it, now.

You can contact me at or reply here at and ask how, I will give you the answer you have been wanting for a long time and it doesn't matter what you want to improve upon.

You've everything to win. 

Peter Vaughan here, looking forward to your email.



Biden - Harris >>> Trump
Sep 15., 2024 12:20 am

Guy Fawkes moves to the USA this year on the 5th November. No fireworks, it'll be worse.    

I'm not telling you more than you already know, so, what do the numbers say according to the Vaughan Code?

The image was created long before Kennedy merged like a zip into Trumps campaign but the ratings I calculated had put Kennedy in first place and it is rather fascinating that I had seen Biden a gone-burger by his analysis, and he has gone.

Also interesting is how Kennedy had been assessed as a better contender even though he was an independent Democrat. But as he is now with Trump, the selection I had made is very aligned from 14 months ago.

Stranger still is the attempted assassination that almost took Trump out on the 13th July which would have made a tossed salad out of who would replace him at that time and Oh what a mess.


On the 5th November it shows Trump wins outright. This is not to say there won't be any further attempts on his life, on Kennedy's life, and or James Vance, Trump's running mate's health. And then there is the possibility a WW-III, a "Wag the Dog" created event which is not to be dismissed as a possibility. And of course, a clean and fair election, just like the last one (yeah right)!

And what about Kamala Harris?   Well, my calculation on her is really interesting.  She seems to be in good spirits on the day and almost like it's time to pop the corks on wine bottles and a hot milk for Joe. BUT, this seems to be only for a short period of time, Harris is heading for a shock in December and next year for her is most unpleasant, somewhat like Hillary Clinton was when she had the smile disappear from her face in 2016.

Oh well, that's not all, as most of the players on the world stage who are heavily involved in the politics of the Ukraine, Russia, England, Canada, France, Germany, Australia and even New Zealand's connections with all the heavy stuff going on, as all involved are showing signs of significant headaches all around.  Even Our Chris Luxon and Nicola Willis are having great difficulties presently (September).

Let's see how things run then.

Oh, if you're looking to see what's ahead for yourself, order your forecast for the next 12 months. A new website is about completed with a lot more activity and support for all those who'd like to see me do much more STUFF than before.

"" is coming to a screen near you. 

All the best,

Peter Vaughan

More Stories tagged under Political :
2024, The Year of KARMA
Jan 27., 2024 7:05 pm

In China, this is a No. 8 Year

Good tidings for some, bad Karma for many.

What does the Book of Your Life say for you this year ?

Everyone has a book about their life, we've been carrying it around buried deep inside our heads since before we were born and then new chapters were added not long after you were born.

Is this for real ?

Yes it is, and just because you have not heard of it like most other people, does not mean it doesn't exist. How do I know, because I was the first to discover it on a journey I started 44 years ago.

Here's proof.  If you know anyone called DAVID and they are older than 27, well ask them what happened in their life the year they turned 27 that had to do with a Major Change in their Life - Work or Living conditions, because they all experienced quite a shake up. For real ?  Yeah, for real.

I once spoke to the organizer of a women's social group called "The Lois Club" and it was (obviously) for all the women called Lois and they got together once every quarter and went out for a social night.

I asked her about the big emotional event in her life when she turned 19, she said she broke off her engagement to be married that year, and asked me how I knew? 

I told her to ask all the members of her club if they all had a big personal event in their 19th year and they all had !!!

How is this possible? It is because I discovered the answer to an often asked question, "What's in a name" ? And in addition to that, your whole life is written out like a play where you choose the character but you have to follow the script and change it here and there but if you screw up too much and go off script, you'll learn a lesson or two as I found out.

So when it comes to KARMA and 2024, this is a year that will affect everyone on the little Blue Planet we call Earth because most people live under the 'guide' (if you can call it that), or more like control, of the leaders that run their country.

But what is Karma and how / where does it come from ?

Cause and Effect is another term for Karma. In other words, what you give out you get back. This is a natural law of the universe and it cannot be altered. The word Karma actually means "things are in balance, or, things are out of balance, and this is often attributed to the number '8' which may be why the Chinese have great respect for this Law.

KARMA -is a term that requires absolute respect !

The Bible speaks of 'words' having power, and it is absolutely correct.  The letters in that make up the word KARMA when converted into its numerical form as is discussed in Revelations 13:18 (New Jerusalem Bible Standard Edition) converts from a word into the number 8.

K=11, A=1, R=18, M=13, A=1. Adding these numbers together you get 44 and 4+4=8. It is just interesting that the word Karma sums to 8 as do the words GOD and the word CREATOR also = 8.  These are powerful words and in the work I do, the identification term for the number 8 is AUTHORITY. Is this a coincidence? No.

Is 2024 going to be full of Karma too ? 2+0+2+4 = 8.

I wrote a story about a Company called Two Degrees Mobile in 2012 that was witnessed by 26 people who heard me tell the CEO Eric Hertz he and his company were having major changes between March and April of 2013. He didn't want to know. He and his wife died in a plane crash on the 30th March 2013.

He piloted his private twin engine plane with his wife to go visit his children in Dunedin New Zealand, and on the 30th March, his fate was sealed. The Company obviously changed direction as well. Karma ?

It was in the same article I published that involved Richard Branson. I wrote he also had to watch out for matters in his life in October 2014. He had a space craft test flight set for that month and it crashed in the desert. Richard Branson's prediction was in fact another event that unfolded in a timely manner but there was no way I could get hold of him to offer my warning and so more things I have seen with my calculations, had come to pass.

So what can you do to get your book what has predictions in it you can read ahead each year and see what's coming up for you.  The good news is, you will now have control over any mishaps and avoid unnecessary challenging situations. Karma works when one is not careful.


More about 2024 and is there more Karma expected ?


I have looked at some major players involved in what can only be called a developing war. Using my skills in Profiling the world leaders, I have selected a few that may interest you and how they are likely to perform in 2024.

Vladimir Putin is in a cool and calm environment and appears to be unmoved by all the slang going on around him but he is a very clever man that the main stream media takes joy in slinging mud about him. So any efforts by the West to push him will be met with calm and well thought out responses, especially around the end of February 2024.

Xi Jinping is also unshaken by what is going on with the global conflict.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy. As January comes to a close, he is going down hill very fast and his outlook is dim. More challenges cross his path by the end of February, but also June, July and August are very heavy times adding more pain for him to handle.

Joseph Biden and Barack Obama are not in good shape either, a little like Zelenskyy. Biden is past his use by date already and that's no secret, and from February (2024) through to February 2025, he is on a down hill slide. Obama is acting cool, but there is no money in the bank and he is struggling with so much weight on his shoulders but you won't hear that on the news.

Donald Trump is having a hard time getting his footing with all the attacks he is having from the courts, but he is headed for President elect. He'll have to dodge the big attacks on him in the latter part of March, same again in April, then be very cautious in June, keep his head down in August and October, and if he gets through unscathed, he'll take the Presidency but is certain to face real hardship as 2025 rolls in.

Only a war will put a 'stay' on the elections and this is probably being worked on to stop Trump getting in.

Hence, all these leaders above have 'Books on their Life just as you have and any of you can get one of your own, one that is specifically designed for you. Just go on line and order yours. You will be astonished at how much the Book of Your Life tells you about yourself and the 12 months ahead.

Look forward to hearing from you.


Peter Vaughan

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